Turning 30 doesn't scare me anymore, or make me feel old. The last decade has been better than I could have ever imagined and it only gets better, right? Here are some of the moments that I remember from my twenties...
At age 20, I moved out of my parents house and I moved in with a friend, and then three months later I moved into my very own apartment.
21: Started dating my best friend (May 1st 2002 to be exact), the guy I had been in love with since I was 17. :)
21: Got my first and only waitress job. Something I was so scared to do and didn't think I could do it but by the time I left I was nominated for Waitress of the Year!
22: Was hired at StarMed, my first and only Corporate job. Making more money than Mat and I do now. I wish I understood the importance of saving back then.
22 (almost 23): I married my Best Friend and had the most perfect wedding.
23: Got pregnant with our precious little lady. (Sorry about the announcement Mom!)
24: Birthed my first child and full filled one of my dreams, a stay at home momma.
25: Went from being a young lady to a Woman. Learned the REAL meaning of being selfless and falling in love with God's gift to us.
26: Became a Pastor's wife and jumped into full time ministry. Something that was always in the back of my mind, but never saw it coming.
27/28: Being put in many different places WAY out of my comfort zone and still am being placed there.
28.95: We bought our first home!
29: Experienced grief after losing at least four people in six months, two being both of my Grandpa's.
29.75: God payed my way to India. A trip that changed my thinking.
I turned 30 while I was in India. I never would have thought that's how it would be, but I don't know if I would have had it any different. (well, I would have loved to have Mat and Kindle there.) Here's to another amazing decade. Cheers!